Saturday, December 15, 2007


CHOKEBERRY is two species, Red Chokeberry and Black Chokeberry, native of North America found most in wet woods and swamps.
Red chokeberry as the name suggests are the fruits red in color and can persist in winter.
Black chokeberry as the name suggests are the fruits black in color but cannot persist in winter.
There is another branch of these fruits namely the Purple chokeberry which comes into existence at the hybridization of red chokeberry and black chokeberry.Chokeberry is the gardeners’ best choice for the purpose of ornamentation of the gardens.
Juices from the berries are astringent and not sweet but very rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants.
The juice is used in wine and sometimes used for soft drink flavoring.
Chokeberries' rich antioxidants elements are widely used as dietary preventive, diseases caused by oxidative stress.
Medical studies show that chokeberry anthocyanins are beneficial in the treatment of colorectal cancer, cardiovascular diseases, chronic inflammation, eye inflammation and liver failures.

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